Top Quality Dogo Argentino Bloodlines
Top Quality Dogo Argentino, Serrano De Dream Dogo.

Top quality bloodlines, preserving the Dogo Argentino
The Sire, HUINCA DE LAS PAMPAS, is a true representative of El Dogo Argentino and the breed standard as set by the original creator of the breed Dr Antonio Nores Martinez. Huinca is a real powerhouse and fireball, and as described by Dr Antonio Nores Martinez, has incredible determination and legendary courage. He has endless amount of energy and is very jovial. He makes eye contact the time with you as if to ask, tell me what to do next? I have had him with me during the breeding and he was a joy to have and I never wanted to let him go. He is extremely friendly and outgoing unless given a reason to be otherwise. I have taken him to public places he was admired by everyone and I felt very comfortable letting him interact with everyone from a 2 year old child to grown up. He fits the description by Dr Martinez of the Dogo Argentino as self-confident , very trusty of humans and communicative. He is incredibly obedient capable of intense concentration, learns rapidly and retains what is learned, indefinitely.
His Sire is MAPUCHE DE LAS PIEDRAS GRANDES and the Dam is GEMA DE LAS PAMPAS. His pedigree goes on to include TOSCO DE LOS MEDANOS as his grandfather and MULTI CHAMPION ALTIVA DE LAS PAMPAS as his great grandfather.
I have spent thousands of dollars confirming that my Dogo Argentinos are of top quality bloodlines by DNA Testing, and by ensuring my Dogos are registered by all governing bodies of the Dogo Argentino breed standard.