Mission & Values
Mission: To honor the breed, its creator and all the Dogo Argentino owners who entrust us with their new family members.
Dream Dogos has donated Huinca to a disabled veteran and is honored to pay tribute to our Veterans, The Dogo Argentino Breed and to our very special guardian angel Huinca who has transformed my life and the life of another person who needed him more than I do.
Here are the words from his own mouth. He was kind enough to allow me to share them with you.
"Huinca has helped me a lot in so many ways.
He has helped me when I feel hopeless and scared.
He is a great dog.
He makes me more confident.
He knows me as I know myself.
He knows who I am.
He is a great dog.
He is my body.
He is my life.
I love him to my death.
I love him to my death."

Customer Reviews
We knew we wanted a Dogo. I saved you all the hard work look no further. Dream Dogos sold us a text book Dogo. perfect coat, perfect teeth and bone structure. MR Salama answered all our questions he really knows his craft. We Flew all the way from the East Coast and Drove back. I wanted to personally meet this Man who cared so much about his dogs. MR Samala pratices Social Distancing but still managed to put on a show . Our Dogo is Confident and well tempered . We came to pick up our Dogo and said goodbye to a new Friends. Peter we kept Dario as his name which was chosen by You. Best wishes
I had researched getting a Dogo from a while and found dream dogos and decided to get a puppy she has the sweetest even temperament she is so well behaved it’s almost like we skipped the puppy stage. We love her so much already and can’t wait to see how she matures she already had such a great bone and muscle structure. Peter was great at helping selecting her as well. Thank you
I love big powerful dogs who if trained right never need to protect you that is why I have had Rottweilers, Pitt bulls and boxers. All of whom can be intimidating to people who have little to know experience with dogs. I also selected each of the previous breeds because of their intelligence and ability to learn and apply instruction. This time I have settled on a Dogo for all of the same reasons. I purchased my first Dogo from Dream Dogos recently my pup is now three months old and is everything I hoped for. As for my transaction and relationship with the breeder I couldn’t ask for a better situation. In the past I had purchased dogs and never heard from the breeder Peter has been and continues to be a support every step of the way.